A Boy Named Charlie Brown (1963)

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This documentary goes behind-the-scenes with Peanuts creator Charles M. Schulz. This film paved the way for the future success of the Peanuts animated television specials, bringing together for the first time Schulz, animator Bill Melendez, producer Lee Mendelson, and composer Vince Guaraldi.

GENRES:  Documentary
DIRECTION:  Lee Mendelson

Cast & Characters

Charles M. Schulz Himself
Peter Robbins Charlie Brown
Christopher Shea Linus Van Pelt
Karen Mendelson Lucy Van Pelt / Patty (voice)
Don Sherwood Narrator
Tracy Stratford Lucy Van Pelt (singing voice)
Chris Doran Schroeder / Shermy (voice)
Sally Dryer Violet (voice)
Ann Altieri Frieda (voice)
Geoffrey Ornstein "Pig-Pen" (voice)
Bill Melendez Snoopy (voice)
Meredith Hodges Herself

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