Tudor Rose (1936)

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The tragic story of Lady Jane Grey, the young queen who reigned in England for nine days before she was executed.

GENRES:  Drama • History
DIRECTION:  Robert Stevenson
CAST:  Cedric Hardwicke  •  John Mills  •  Felix Aylmer  •  Leslie Perrins

Cast & Characters

Cedric Hardwicke Earl of Warwick
John Mills Lord Guilford Dudley
Felix Aylmer Edward Seymour
Leslie Perrins Thomas Seymour
Frank Cellier Henry VIII
Desmond Tester Edward VI
Gwen Ffrangcon Davies Mary Tudor
Martita Hunt Jane's Mother
Miles Malleson Jane's Father
Sybil Thorndike Ellen
Nova Pilbeam Lady Jane Grey
Peter Croft Confidant of Thomas Seymour

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