Martha, Inc.: The Story of Martha Stewart (2003)

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Martha, Inc.: The Story of Martha Stewart is a 2003 NBC TV movie starring Cybill Shepherd as Martha Stewart in which the life of Martha Stewart is outlined starting from her life in New Jersey to the scandal behind her arrest.

GENRES:  Drama • TV movie
DIRECTION:  Jason Ensler

Cast & Characters

Cybill Shepherd Martha Stewart
Tim Matheson Andy Stewart
Joanna Cassidy Caroline Kass
Jude Ciccolella Ed Kostyra
Dorie Barton Young Martha Stewart
Seann Gallagher Young Andy Stewart
Michelle Nolden Norma Collier
Rhonda McLean Connie Maynard
Hollis McLaren Big Martha
Raquel Duffy Melissa Graham
Jeremy Akerman Kmart CEO
Jeffrey R. Smith Martha's Assistant

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