A sweet-natured Temp Agency operator and amateur Presidential look-alike is recruited by the Secret Service to become a temporary stand-in for the President of the United States.

GENRES:  Comedy
DIRECTION:  Ivan Reitman
CAST:  Kevin Kline  •  Sigourney Weaver  •  Frank Langella  •  Kevin Dunn

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Cast & Characters

Kevin Kline Dave Kovic / Bill Mitchell
Sigourney Weaver Ellen Mitchell
Frank Langella Bob Alexander
Kevin Dunn Alan Reed
Ving Rhames Duane Stevenson
Ben Kingsley Vice-President Nance
Charles Grodin Murray Blum
Faith Prince Alice
Laura Linney Randi
Bonnie Hunt White House Tour Guide
Parley Baer Senate Majority Leader
Stefan Gierasch House Majority Leader

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