Volunteers (1985)

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After his rich father refuses to pay his debt, compulsive gambler Lawrence Bourne III joins the Peace Corps to evade angry creditors. In Thailand, he is assigned to build a bridge for the local villagers with the help of American-As-Apple-Pie WSU Grad Tom Tuttle and the beautiful and down-to earth Beth Wexler. What they don't realize is that the bridge is coveted by the U.S. Army, a local Communist force, and a powerful drug lord. Together with the help of At Toon, the only English speaking native, they must fight off the three opposing forces and find out what is right for the villagers, as well as themselves.

GENRES:  Comedy
DIRECTION:  Nicholas Meyer
CAST:  Tom Hanks  •  John Candy  •  Rita Wilson  •  Tim Thomerson

Cast & Characters

Tom Hanks Lawrence Whatley Bourne III
John Candy Tom Tuttle
Rita Wilson Beth Wexler
Tim Thomerson John Reynolds
Gedde Watanabe At Toon
George Plimpton Lawrence Bourne Jr.
Ernest Harada Chung Mee
Allan Arbus Albert Bardenaro
Xander Berkeley Kent Sutcliffe
Ji-Tu Cumbuka Cicero
Jacqueline Evans zia Eunice
Pamela Gual Tammy the Stewardess

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