Ziegfeld Follies (1945)

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The late, great impresario Florenz Ziegfeld looks down from heaven and ordains a new revue in his grand old style.

GENRES:  Comedy • Music
DIRECTION:  Vincente Minnelli  •  George Sidney  •  Robert Lewis  •  Roy Del Ruth  •  Lemuel Ayers
CAST:  William Powell  •  Judy Garland  •  Lucille Ball  •  Fred Astaire

Cast & Characters

William Powell Flo Ziegfeld
Judy Garland The Star in 'A Great Lady Has An Interview'
Lucille Ball Herself
Fred Astaire Himself
Lucille Bremer Princess
Fanny Brice Norma
Kathryn Grayson Herself
Lena Horne Herself
Gene Kelly Gentleman in 'The Babbit and the Bromide'
James Melton Alfredo in scene from 'La Traviata'
Victor Moore Lawyer's Client in 'Pay the Two Dollars'
Red Skelton J. Newton Numbskull in 'When Television Comes'

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