Airplane II: The Sequel (1982)

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A faulty computer causes a passenger space shuttle to head straight for the sun, and man-with-a-past, Ted Striker must save the day and get the shuttle back on track – again – all the while trying to patch up his relationship with Elaine.

GENRES:  Comedy
DIRECTION:  Ken Finkleman
CAST:  Robert Hays  •  Julie Hagerty  •  Lloyd Bridges  •  Chad Everett

Cast & Characters

Robert Hays Ted Striker
Julie Hagerty Elaine Dickinson
Lloyd Bridges Steven McCroskey
Chad Everett Simon Kurtz
Peter Graves Capt. Clarence Oveur
Chuck Connors The Sarge
William Shatner Cdr. Buck Murdock
Raymond Burr Judge D.C. Simonton
John Vernon Dr. Stone
Kent McCord Dave Unger
James A. Watson, Jr First Officer Dunn
Kitten Natividad

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