The Scarlet Empress (1934)

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During the 18th century, German noblewoman Sophia Frederica, who would later become Catherine the Great, travels to Moscow to marry the dimwitted Grand Duke Peter, the heir to the Russian throne. Their arranged marriage proves to be loveless, and Catherine takes many lovers, including the handsome Count Alexei, and bears a son. When the unstable Peter eventually ascends to the throne, Catherine plots to oust him from power.

GENRES:  Drama • History • Romance
DIRECTION:  Josef von Sternberg
CAST:  Marlene Dietrich  •  John Lodge  •  Sam Jaffe  •  Louise Dresser

Cast & Characters

Marlene Dietrich Princess Sophia Frederica / Catherine II
John Lodge Count Alexei
Sam Jaffe Grand Duke Peter
Louise Dresser Empress Elizabeth Petrovna
C. Aubrey Smith Prince August
Gavin Gordon Capt. Gregori Orloff
Olive Tell Princess Johanna Elizabeth
Ruthelma Stevens Countess Elizabeth 'Lizzie'
Davison Clark Archimandrite Simeon Todorsky / Arch-Episcope
Erville Alderson Chancelor Alexei Bestuchef
Jane Darwell Miss Cardell, Sophia's Nurse (uncredited)
Maria Riva Sophia as a Child

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