Emma (1996)

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Emma Woodhouse is a congenial young lady who delights in meddling in other people’s affairs. She is perpetually trying to unite men and women who are utterly wrong for each other. Despite her interest in romance, Emma is clueless about her own feelings, and her relationship with gentle Mr. Knightly.

GENRES:  Comedy • Drama • Romance
DIRECTION:  Douglas McGrath

Cast & Characters

Gwyneth Paltrow Emma Woodhouse
Ewan McGregor Frank Churchill
Toni Collette Harriet Smith
Denys Hawthorne Mr. Woodhouse
James Cosmo Mr. Weston
Alan Cumming Mr. Elton
Greta Scacchi Mrs. Weston
Juliet Stevenson Mrs. Elton
Sophie Thompson Miss Bates
Jeremy Northam Mr. Knightley
Polly Walker Jane Fairfax
Kathleen Byron Mrs. Goddard

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