They Drive by Night (1940)

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Joe and Paul Fabrini are Wildcat, or independent, truck drivers who have their own small one-truck business. The Fabrini boys constantly battle distributors, rivals and loan collectors, while trying to make a success of their transport company.

GENRES:  Crime • Drama • Thriller
DIRECTION:  Raoul Walsh
CAST:  George Raft  •  Ann Sheridan  •  Ida Lupino  •  Humphrey Bogart

Cast & Characters

George Raft Joe Fabrini
Ann Sheridan Cassie Hartley
Ida Lupino Lana Carlsen
Humphrey Bogart Paul Fabrini
Gale Page Pearl Fabrini
Alan Hale Ed Carlsen
Roscoe Karns Irish McGurn
John Litel Harry McNamara
George Tobias George Rondolos
George Lloyd Barney
William Bendix Truck driver watching pinball game
Eddie Acuff Driver in Cafe

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