A Child Is Waiting (1963)

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Dr. Matthew Clark is the head of a state institution for intellectually disabled children. Jean Hansen, a former music teacher anxious to give her life some meaning, joins the staff of the hospital. Jean, who tries to shelter the children with her love, suspiciously regards Dr. Clark's stern training methods. She becomes emotionally involved with 12-year-old Reuben Widdicombe, who has been abandoned by his divorced parents.

GENRES:  Drama
DIRECTION:  John Cassavetes
CAST:  Judy Garland  •  Burt Lancaster  •  Gena Rowlands  •  Steven Hill

Cast & Characters

Judy Garland Jean Hansen
Burt Lancaster Dr. Matthew Clark
Gena Rowlands Sophie Widdicombe Benham
Steven Hill Ted Widdicombe
Lawrence Tierney Douglas Benham
Paul Stewart Goodman
Bruce Ritchey Reuben Widdicombe
Gloria McGehee Mattie
John Marley Holland
Barbara Pepper Miss Brown
Juanita Moore Mrs. Phillips
Bill Mumy Child

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