The Darwin Awards (2006)

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After botching the capture of a notorious serial killer, idiosyncratic detective Michael Burrows loses his job with the San Francisco Police. He becomes an investigator for an insurance company and joins forces with a cynical field agent to probe suspicious and unusual deaths.

GENRES:  Adventure • Comedy • Romance
DIRECTION:  Finn Taylor
CAST:  David Arquette  •  Ty Burrell  •  Josh Charles  •  Kevin Dunn

Cast & Characters

David Arquette Harvey
Ty Burrell Emile
Josh Charles Paramedic
Kevin Dunn Insurance Exec
Nora Dunn Mrs. Pearlman
Joseph Fiennes Michael Burrows
Judah Friedlander Simon
Lukas Haas Farley
Tom Hollander Henry
Brad Hunt Stan
Juliette Lewis Joleen
Julianna Margulies Carla

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