Love Me Tonight (1932)

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A Parisian tailor finds himself posing as a baron in order to collect a sizeable bill from an aristocrat, only to fall in love with an aloof young princess.

GENRES:  Comedy • Romance
DIRECTION:  Rouben Mamoulian

Cast & Characters

Maurice Chevalier Maurice 'Baron' Courtelin
Jeanette MacDonald Princess Jeanette
Charles Ruggles Viscount Gilbert de Varèze
Charles Butterworth Count de Savignac
Myrna Loy Countess Valentine
C. Aubrey Smith Duke d'Artelines
Elizabeth Patterson First Aunt
Ethel Griffies Second Aunt
Blanche Friderici Third Aunt
Joseph Cawthorn Dr. Armand de Fontinac
Robert Greig Major Domo Flammand
Bert Roach Emile

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