Humanity finds a mysterious object buried beneath the lunar surface and sets off to find its origins with the help of HAL 9000, the world's most advanced super computer.

GENRES:  Adventure • Mystery • Science Fiction
DIRECTION:  Stanley Kubrick
CAST:  Keir Dullea  •  Douglas Rain  •  Gary Lockwood  •  William Sylvester

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Cast & Characters

Keir Dullea Dr. Dave Bowman
Douglas Rain HAL 9000 (voice)
Gary Lockwood Dr. Frank Poole
William Sylvester Dr. Heywood R. Floyd
Daniel Richter Moon-Watcher
Leonard Rossiter Dr. Andrei Smyslov
Margaret Tyzack Elena
Robert Beatty Dr. Ralph Halvorsen
Sean Sullivan Dr. Bill Michaels
Bill Weston Astronaut
Ed Bishop Aries-1B Lunar Shuttle Captain
Alan Gifford Poole's Father

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