One Hour with You (1932)

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Andre and Colette Bertier are happily married. When Colette introduces her husband to her flirtatious best friend, Mitzi, he does his best to resist her advances. But she is persistent, and very cute, and he succumbs. Mitzi's husband wants to divorce her, and has been having her tailed. Andre gets caught, and must confess to his wife. But Colette has had problems resisting the attentions of another man herself, and they forgive each other.

GENRES:  Comedy • Romance
DIRECTION:  Ernst Lubitsch

Cast & Characters

Maurice Chevalier Dr. Andre Bertier
Jeanette MacDonald Colette Bertier
Genevieve Tobin Mitzi Olivier
Charles Ruggles Adolph
Roland Young Professor Olivier
Josephine Dunn Mademoiselle Martel
Richard Carle Henri Dornier - Private Detective
Barbara Leonard Mitzi's Maid
George Barbier Police Commissioner
Lita Chevret Party Guest (uncredited)
Sheila Bromley Colette's Downstairs Maid (uncredited)
Charles Judels Policeman (uncredited)

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