Tell Them Willie Boy Is Here (1969)

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While confronting the disapproving father of his girlfriend Lola, Native American man Willie Boy kills the man in self-defense, triggering a massive manhunt, led by Deputy Sheriff Christopher Cooper.

GENRES:  Western
DIRECTION:  Abraham Polonsky
CAST:  Robert Redford  •  Katharine Ross  •  Robert Blake  •  Susan Clark

Cast & Characters

Robert Redford Deputy Sheriff Christopher 'Coop' Cooper
Katharine Ross Lola
Robert Blake Williw Boy
Susan Clark Dr Elisabeth Arnold
Barry Sullivan Ray Calvet
John Vernon George Hacker
Charles Aidman Judge Benby
Charles McGraw Sheriff Frank Wilson
Shelly Novack Johnny Finney
Robert Lipton Charlie Newcombe
Lloyd Gough Dexter
Ned Romero Tom

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