The Wilby Conspiracy (1975)

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Having spent 10 years in prison for nationalist activities, Shack Twala is finally ordered released by the South African Supreme Court but he finds himself almost immediately on the run after a run-in with the police. Assisted by his lawyer Rina Van Niekirk and visiting British engineer Jim Keogh, he heads for Capetown where he hopes to recover a stash of diamonds, meant to finance revolutionary activities, that he had entrusted to a dentist before his incarceration. Along the way, they are followed by Major Horn of the South African State security bureau and it becomes apparent that he has no intention of arresting them until they reach their final destination

GENRES:  Action • Adventure • Drama • Thriller
DIRECTION:  Ralph Nelson
CAST:  Sidney Poitier  •  Michael Caine  •  Nicol Williamson  •  Prunella Gee

Cast & Characters

Sidney Poitier Shack Twala
Michael Caine Jim Keogh
Nicol Williamson Major Horn
Prunella Gee Rina Van Niekirk
Saeed Jaffrey Mukarjee
Persis Khambatta Persis Ray
Rijk de Gooyer Van Heerden
Rutger Hauer Blane Van Niekirk
Patrick Allen District Commissioner
Joe De Graft Wilby Xaba
Archie Duncan Gordon
Abdulla Sunado Village Headman

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