Gay Purr-ee (1962)

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Mewsette is a starry-eyed cat who grows weary of life on a French farm and heads for the excitement of 1890s Paris. Her tomcat suitor, Jaune-Tom, and his furry cohort, Robespierre, chase after Mewsette, but she's already fallen under the spell of a feline modeling-school racket run by Madame Rubens-Chatte and her slimy assistant, Meowrice.

GENRES:  Animation • Family • Music • Romance
DIRECTION:  Abe Levitow
CAST:  Judy Garland  •  Robert Goulet  •  Red Buttons  •  Paul Frees

Cast & Characters

Judy Garland Mewsette (voice)
Robert Goulet Jaune-Tom (voice)
Red Buttons Robespierre (voice)
Paul Frees Meowrice (voice)
Mel Blanc Bulldog (voice)
Hermione Gingold Mme. Rubens-Chatte (voice)
Morey Amsterdam Narrator (voice)
Joan Gardner Lady From Provence (voice)
Julie Bennett Lady From Provence (voice)

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