When the Clouds Roll By (1919)

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Daniel Boone Brown is a pleasure-seeking playboy carousing around New York City without a care in the world -- that is, until he becomes the unwitting subject of a series of experiments at the hands of a sadistic psychiatrist. Through various means of control, the mad scientist drives Daniel to think he's losing his mind, but ultimately introduces him to the lovely Lucette.

GENRES:  Action • Comedy • Romance
DIRECTION:  Victor Fleming

Cast & Characters

Douglas Fairbanks Daniel Boone Brown
Albert MacQuarrie Hobson
Kathleen Clifford Lucette Bancroft
Frank Campeau Mark Drake
Ralph Lewis Curtis Brown
Herbert Grimwood Dr. Ulrich Metz
Daisy Jefferson Bobby De Vere
Bull Montana The Nightmare
Victor Fleming Himself
Thomas J. Geraghty Himself (as T.J.G.)
William C. McGann Himself
Harris Thorpe Himself

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