Broadway Melody of 1938 (1937)

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Steve Raleight wants to produce a show on Broadway. He finds a backer, Herman Whipple and a leading lady, Sally Lee. But Caroline Whipple forces Steve to use a known star, not a newcomer. Sally purchases a horse, she used to train when her parents had a farm before the depression and with to ex-vaudevillians, Sonny Ledford and Peter Trott she trains it to win a race, providing the money Steve needs for his show.

GENRES:  Music • Romance
DIRECTION:  Roy Del Ruth
CAST:  Robert Taylor  •  Eleanor Powell  •  George Murphy  •  Binnie Barnes

Cast & Characters

Robert Taylor Stephan 'Steve' Raleigh
Eleanor Powell Sally Lee
George Murphy Sonny Ledford
Binnie Barnes Caroline Whipple
Buddy Ebsen Peter Trot
Sophie Tucker Alice Clayton
Judy Garland Betty Clayton
Charles Igor Gorin Nicki Papaloopas
Raymond Walburn Herman Whipple
Robert Benchley Duffy
Willie Howard The Waiter
Charley Grapewin James K. Blakeley

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