The Happiest Millionaire (1967)

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A happy and unbelievably lucky young Irish immigrant, John Lawless, lands a job as the butler of an unconventional millionaire, Biddle. His daughter, Cordelia Drexel Biddle, tires of the unusual antics of her father--especially since the nice young men around town all fear him. Wouldn't you fear a father-in-law that keeps alligators for pets and teaches boxing at his daily Bible classes?

GENRES:  Comedy • Drama • Family • Music
DIRECTION:  Norman Tokar
CAST:  Fred MacMurray  •  Tommy Steele  •  Greer Garson  •  Geraldine Page

Cast & Characters

Fred MacMurray Anthony J. Drexel Biddle
Tommy Steele John Lawless
Greer Garson Cordelia Biddle
Geraldine Page Mrs. Duke
Gladys Cooper Aunt Mary Drexel
Hermione Baddeley Mrs. Worth
Lesley Ann Warren Cordy Biddle
John Davidson Angie Duke
Paul Petersen Tony Biddle
Eddie Hodges Livingston Biddle
Joyce Bulifant Rosemary
Sean McClory Police Sgt.

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