Night at the Museum (2006)

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Chaos reigns at the natural history museum when night watchman Larry Daley accidentally stirs up an ancient curse, awakening Attila the Hun, an army of gladiators, a Tyrannosaurus rex and other exhibits.

GENRES:  Action • Adventure • Comedy • Family • Fantasy
DIRECTION:  Shawn Levy
CAST:  Ben Stiller  •  Jake Cherry  •  Carla Gugino  •  Robin Williams

Cast & Characters

Ben Stiller Larry Daley
Jake Cherry Nick Daley
Carla Gugino Rebecca
Robin Williams Theodore Roosevelt
Dick Van Dyke Cecil Fredericks
Mickey Rooney Kaa
Bill Cobbs Reginald
Ricky Gervais Bambi
Kim Raver Erica Daley
Patrick Gallagher Attila der Hunne
Rami Malek Ahkmenrah
Pierfrancesco Favino Christopher Columbus

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