Drum (1976)

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A mid-19th century mulatto slave is torn between his success as a pit-fighter and the injustices of white society.

GENRES:  Action • Drama • History • Thriller
DIRECTION:  Steve Carver  •  Burt Kennedy
CAST:  Warren Oates  •  Pam Grier  •  Ken Norton  •  Isela Vega

Cast & Characters

Warren Oates Hammond Maxwell
Pam Grier Regine
Ken Norton Drum
Isela Vega Marianna
Yaphet Kotto Blase
John Coliscos Bernard DeMarigny
Fiona Lewis Augusta Chauvet
Paula Kelly Rachel
Royal Dano Zeke Montgomery
Brenda Sykes Calinda
Cheryl Smith Sophie Maxwell
Lillian Hayman Lucretia Borgia

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