Ruggles of Red Gap (1935)

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In this comedy of an Englishman stranded in a sea of barbaric Americans, Marmaduke Ruggles, a gentleman's gentleman and butler to an Earl is lost in a poker game to an uncouth American cattle baron. Ruggles's life is turned upside down as he's taken to the USA, is gradually assimilated into American life, accidently becomes a local celebrity, and falls in love along the way.

GENRES:  Comedy
CAST:  Charles Laughton  •  Mary Boland  •  Charles Ruggles  •  Zasu Pitts

Cast & Characters

Charles Laughton Marmaduke Ruggles
Mary Boland Effie Floud
Charles Ruggles Egbert Floud
Zasu Pitts Mrs. Judson
Roland Young Earl of Burnstead
Leila Hyams Nell Kenner
Maude Eburne 'Ma' Pettingill
Lucien Littlefield Charles Belknap-Jackson
Leota Lorraine Mrs. Belknap-Jackson
James Burke Jeff Tuttle
Dell Henderson Sam
Clarence Wilson Jake Henshaw

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