Masters of Menace (1990)

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The Masters of Menace are actually a motorcycle gang. When one of their own dies while performing a dangerous bike stunt, they decide to cross the country to go bury him. With the coffin in the back of the pick-up truck and the tight-butt lawyer in the front, their craving for beer combined with lack of manners will disturb quite a few people wherever they go, including the police.

GENRES:  Comedy
DIRECTION:  Daniel Raskov
CAST:  David Rasche  •  Catherine Bach  •  Tino Insana  •  Lee Ving

Cast & Characters

David Rasche Buddy Wheeler
Catherine Bach Kitty Wheeler
Tino Insana Horny Hank
Lee Ving Roy Boy
David Bowe Sloppy Joe
Dan Aykroyd Johnny Lewis
Jim Belushi Gypsy
John Candy Beer Truck Driver
George Wendt Dr. Jack Erheart
David L. Lander Squirt
George Buck Flower Sheriff Julip
Teri Copley Sunny

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