After an abrupt and violent encounter with a French warship inflicts severe damage upon his ship, a captain of the British Royal Navy begins a chase over two oceans to capture or destroy the enemy, though he must weigh his commitment to duty and ferocious pursuit of glory against the safety of his devoted crew, including the ship's thoughtful surgeon, his best friend.

GENRES:  Adventure • Drama • War
DIRECTION:  Peter Weir
CAST:  Russell Crowe  •  Paul Bettany  •  James D'Arcy  •  Billy Boyd

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Cast & Characters

Russell Crowe Captain Jack Aubrey
Paul Bettany Dr. Stephen Maturin
James D'Arcy 1st Lt. Tom Pullings
Billy Boyd Barrent Bonden
Joseph Morgan William Warley, Cpt. of Mizzentop
Edward Woodall 2nd Lt. William Mowett
Chris Larkin Capt. Howard
Max Pirkis Blakeney
Jack Randall Boyle
Max Benitz Calamy
Lee Ingleby Hollom
Richard Pates Williamson

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