Every Which Way but Loose (1978)

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Philo Beddoe is your regular, easygoing, truck-driving guy. He's also the best bar-room brawler west of the Rockies. And he lives with a 165-pound orangutan named Clyde. Like other guys, Philo finally falls in love - with a flighty singer who leads him on a screwball chase across the American Southwest. Nothing's in the way except a motorcycle gang, and legendary brawler Tank Murdock.

GENRES:  Action • Adventure • Comedy • Drama • Romance
DIRECTION:  James Fargo
CAST:  Clint Eastwood  •  Sondra Locke  •  Ruth Gordon  •  Beverly D'Angelo

Cast & Characters

Clint Eastwood Philo Beddoe
Sondra Locke Lynn Halsey-Taylor
Ruth Gordon Ma Boggs
Beverly D'Angelo Echo
Geoffrey Lewis Orville Boggs
Walter Barnes Tank Murdock
George Chandler Clerk at D.M.V.
Bill McKinney Dallas (Black Widow)
John Quade Cholla, The Biker Leader
James McEachin Herb
Dan Vadis Frank, Assistant Head Biker
Roy Jenson Woody, Secretary Biker

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