Solar Crisis (1990)

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A huge solar flare is predicted to fry the Earth. Astronauts aboard the spaceship Helios must go to the Sun to drop a bomb equipped with an Artificial Intelligence and a Japanese pilot at the right time so the flare will point somewhere else.

GENRES:  Science Fiction
DIRECTION:  Richard C. Sarafian  •  Alan Smithee
CAST:  Tim Matheson  •  Charlton Heston  •  Peter Boyle  •  Annabel Schofield

Cast & Characters

Tim Matheson Steve Kelso
Charlton Heston Adm. Skeet Kelso
Peter Boyle Arnold Teague
Annabel Schofield Alex Noffe
Corin Nemec Miki Kelso
Tetsuya Bessho Ken Minami
Jack Palance Travis
Dorian Harewood Borg
Paul Koslo Haas
Sandy McPeak Gurney
Silvana Gallardo T.C.
Dan Shor Harvard

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