Leo (2002)

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A young mother is plagued by a tragic mistake and alienates her little boy. A brilliant writer is released from prison after serving a 15-year sentence and begins working at Vic's Diner. Their stories converge when the man must overcome obstacles of the past to save the little boy and ultimately himself.

GENRES:  Drama
DIRECTION:  Mehdi Norowzian
CAST:  Joseph Fiennes  •  Elisabeth Shue  •  Justin Chambers  •  Sam Shepard

Cast & Characters

Joseph Fiennes Stephen
Elisabeth Shue Mary Bloom
Justin Chambers Ryan Eames
Sam Shepard Vic
Dennis Hopper Horace
Deborah Kara Unger Caroline
Mary Stuart Masterson Brynne
Jake Weber Ben Bloom
Davis Sweatt Leopold - age 11
James Middleton Louis
Don Henderson Baker Jack (as Don Baker)
David Burke Thomas Kingsley

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