Murphy's Romance (1985)

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Emma, a divorced single mother seeking to start her life over, moves to a small town in Arizona. She befriends Murphy, the older local pharmacist, but things turn complicated when her ex-husband shows up.

GENRES:  Comedy • Drama • Romance
DIRECTION:  Martin Ritt
CAST:  Sally Field  •  James Garner  •  Brian Kerwin  •  Corey Haim

Cast & Characters

Sally Field Emma Moriarty
James Garner Murphy Jones
Brian Kerwin Bobby Jack Moriarty
Corey Haim Jake Moriarty
Dennis Burkley Freeman Coverly
Georgann Johnson Margaret
Dortha Duckworth Bessie
Michael Prokopuk Albert
Billy Ray Sharkey Larry Le Beau
Michael Crabtree Jim Forrest
Anna Thomson Wanda
Charles Lane Amos Abbott

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