City Hall (1996)

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The accidental shooting of a boy in New York leads to an investigation by the Deputy Mayor, and unexpectedly far-reaching consequences.

GENRES:  Drama • Thriller
DIRECTION:  Harold Becker
CAST:  Al Pacino  •  John Cusack  •  Bridget Fonda  •  Danny Aiello

Cast & Characters

Al Pacino Mayor John Pappas
John Cusack Deputy Mayor Kevin Calhoun
Bridget Fonda Marybeth Cogan
Danny Aiello Frank Anselmo
Martin Landau Judge Walter Stern
David Paymer Abe Goodman
Richard Schiff Larry Schwartz
Luna Lauren Velez Elaine Santos
Nestor Serrano Det. Eddie Santos
Lindsay Duncan Sydney Pappas
Tamara Tunie Leslie Christos
Richard Gant Deputy Commissioner Samuels

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