Giordano Bruno (1973)

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Fleeing from his enemies in the Catholic Church, the free thinking philosopher, poet and scientist Giordano Bruno has found some protection in Venice. But the Roman Inquisition, fearing his influence in Europe, wants to bring him on trial for 'heresy'.

GENRES:  Drama
DIRECTION:  Giuliano Montaldo

Cast & Characters

Gian Maria Volonté Giordano Bruno
Hans Christian Blech Sartori
Mathieu Carrière Orsini
Renato Scarpa Fra Tagagliolo
Giuseppe Maffioli Arsenalotto
Charlotte Rampling Fosca
Mark Burns Bellarmino
Alberto Plebani L'alto prelato
Franco Balducci Il secondino
Paolo Bonacelli
Corrado Gaipa
Gabriele Bentivoglio

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