Mortimer Brewster, a newspaper drama critic, playwright, and author known for his diatribes against marriage, suddenly falls in love and gets married; but when he makes a quick trip home to tell his two maiden aunts, he finds out his aunts' hobby - killing lonely old men and burying them in the cellar!

GENRES:  Comedy • Crime
DIRECTION:  Frank Capra
CAST:  Cary Grant  •  Priscilla Lane  •  Raymond Massey  •  Jack Carson

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Cast & Characters

Cary Grant Mortimer Brewster
Priscilla Lane Elaine Harper
Raymond Massey Jonathan Brewster
Jack Carson Officer Patrick O'Hara
Edward Everett Horton Mr. Witherspoon
Peter Lorre Dr. Einstein
James Gleason Lt. Rooney
Josephine Hull Aunt Abby Brewster
Jean Adair Aunt Martha Brewster
John Alexander 'Teddy Roosevelt' Brewster
Grant Mitchell Reverend Harper
Edward McNamara Sergeant Brophy

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