Paul Goldsmith

TVTV: Video Revolutionaries (2018)

A documentary about Top Value Television (TVTV), a band of merry video makers who, from 1972 to 1977, took the then brand-new portable video camera and went out to document the world.  (more)

DIRECTION:  Paul Goldsmith
CAST:  Bill Murray  •  Hunter S. Thompson  •  John Belushi  •  Goldie Hawn

A documentary about Top Value Television (TVTV), a band of merry video makers who, from 1972 to 1977, took the then brand-new portable video camera and went out to document the world.  (more)

DIRECTION:  Paul Goldsmith
CAST:  Bill Murray  •  Hunter S. Thompson  •  John Belushi  •  Goldie Hawn