A renowned New York playwright is enticed to California to write for the movies and discovers the hellish truth of Hollywood.

GENRES:  Comedy • Drama
DIRECTION:  Joel Coen  •  Ethan Coen
CAST:  John Turturro  •  John Goodman  •  Judy Davis  •  Michael Lerner

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Cast & Characters

John Turturro Barton Fink
John Goodman Charlie Meadows
Judy Davis Audrey Taylor
Michael Lerner Jack Lipnick
John Mahoney W.P. Mayhew
Tony Shalhoub Ben Geisler
Jon Polito Lou Breeze
Steve Buscemi Chet
David Warrilow Garland Stanford
Richard Portnow Detective Mastrionotti
Christopher Murney Detective Deutsch
I.M. Hobson Derek

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