Chuck Nolan, a top international manager for FedEx, and Kelly, a Ph.D. student, are in love and heading towards marriage. Then Chuck's plane to Malaysia crashes at sea during a terrible storm. He's the only survivor, and finds himself marooned on a desolate island. With no way to escape, Chuck must find ways to survive in his new home.

GENRES:  Adventure • Drama
DIRECTION:  Robert Zemeckis
CAST:  Tom Hanks  •  Helen Hunt  •  Chris Noth  •  Paul Sanchez

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Cast & Characters

Tom Hanks Chuck Noland
Helen Hunt Kelly Frears
Chris Noth Jerry Lovett
Paul Sanchez Ramon
Lari White Bettina Peterson
Leonid Citer Fyodor
David Allen Brooks Dick Peterson
Semion Sudarikov Nicolai
Peter Von Berg Yuri
Dmitri S. Boudrine Lev
Nick Searcy Stan
François Duhamel French FedEx Loader

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