An undercover cop in a not-too-distant future becomes involved with a dangerous new drug and begins to lose his own identity as a result.

GENRES:  Animation • Science Fiction • Thriller
DIRECTION:  Richard Linklater
CAST:  Keanu Reeves  •  Winona Ryder  •  Woody Harrelson  •  Mitch Baker

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Cast & Characters

Keanu Reeves Fred/Bob Arctor
Winona Ryder Donna Hawthorne
Woody Harrelson Ernie Luckman
Mitch Baker Brown Bear Lodge Host
Steven Chester Prince Cop
Natasha Valdez Waitress
Angela Rawna Doctor 1
Sean Allen Additional Fred Scramble Suit Voice (voice)
Chamblee Ferguson Doctor 2
Cliff Haby Voice from Headquarters (voice)
Melody Chase Arctor's Wife
Rory Cochrane Charles Freck

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